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Temukan Bisnis Baru Peluang Bisnis Pulsa Online di Internet


peluang usaha online STOP ! ! ! Discover the secrets here . How can I buy fancy cars and houses worth more than $ 1.2 Billion only from BUSINESS PULSE via the internet . With an initial capital of less than 500k turned into billions of dollars . Of a regular PULSE AGENT so the owner agent . Really unbelievable ... SIMPLE SECRET that can be done by anyone . Even though the internet is clueless about computers . Find business opportunities online pulse in such a way that the internet is easy .Considering starting a business , then behind to start a business could be hampered as obat telat bulan well . choose online business profit , the company and its products should be clearly evident . Since the beginning of the era of social media in recent years , beginning with menggilanya Friendster , then sunk by Facebook phenomenon , the number of Internet users in Indonesia in particular jumped dramatically .
Ranging from elementary school children to parking attendants now it 's wall -wall . Communities that had rarely spent time in front of the PC or gadgetnya Air " online " ria , is now surely time to fill in any opportunity to ONLINE .
Anyone who alat bantu sex  initially rarely come into contact with the internet , suddenly felt obliged to have a facebook account . with memilikki facebook account , certainly would not want to get the fastest internet that the information obtained . additionally there are also internet as a forum for the promotion of products that we will sell . by selling through the internet , you are not working , or is working but will be in ( sorry ) layoffs for example , doing business online is your solution .
As solutions to your needs so that you are looking for business Yag really can you run a business which is very very believable . besides getting to of the products we sell itself , also benefited from the existing system in the company . Immediately take the online business opportunities of the company that is trustworthy for our members , just click on Abe Good read
Until now I personally still run the business Abe Good , because it produces a lot of income . Take that chance soon , with a maximum working system and delivers great results . By sunny at Gasa Foredi StoresMonthly average of 150 million dollarsSteady boss . Monthly turnover of 150 million is translucent . Add the number bisnis online of agents continues . Every day can be a commission , fee can be discounted plus registration . Benar2 makyus . Can not ever have thought so , puass really. Though only a sideline just you know , just a part time job in sela2 time . But the results are incredible , can toll-free , can be a bonus , can macam2 science . Can make a web , has its own website pulse . Anyway mantaplah ... so added spirit of doing business online .Darmanto - Navanpulse - etronik.com
Together ATMpulsa  alat bantu sex HOW FAST you will find : how CHANGING pulse on the internet business into cash-producing machine for you . MONEY machine that drains dollars endlessly to your account 24 hours nonstop . Even when you are asleep though . No matter what your educational background , I guarantee you too can succeed quickly in the credit business . Requirement is only TWO . HP had and have the will .
This is a business REVOLUTION pulse . How your income in a short time menggelambung only electrical pulses of a business that is run part-time basis . An income which is very, very spectacular and unexpected you . Perhaps you will be very SHOCKED see your income growing so fast beyond your previous estimates .
Have this RARE opportunity to become business partners as a MASTER DEALER ATMpulsa pulse . Product must be used over and over again . You can use it yourself or sell to others. Equally beneficial . Pulse will automatically be cheaper because direct from the distributor .Share information about online mlm business opportunity , easy and fast way to make money on the internet .jasa desain toko online murah Business opportunities with the automated system and online . A very lucrative business opportunity .Best online business opportunities . If you have tried a variety of business opportunities and business opportunities online but have not been successful , then you should try this one . With the full support of the team support and automatic network system , you will be more easily and more quickly achieve revenue from online business . Only with three easy steps : sign up for free , and last up grade membership is promote your replica website . Can be through social media , free or paid advertising or you can also utilize the services of a paid web traffic . Our job is only to bring visitors to our website . Further support team that will work for us . And when there are members who join through our website , then we will receive a commission . Easy huh?You can also achieve unlimited income from online business , even if you do not do the upgrade membership . Simply by way of a free listing and promote your replica website . If there is a list through your website and upgrade , then you get a commission Rp 90,000 / person . Online business opportunities that mantabs not ?If you are interested in pursuing this online business opportunity , do not delay, Soon Register Now for a Free Online Business success .If so far you have never felt the pulse of business success , please feel the obat pembesar penis difference when joined together ATMpulsa.com . This is not just a regular credit business . Together you will ATMpulsa shown the right path where we are heading fast to get your business growing by leaps and bounds . ATMpulsa has a unique way and the strategy is different from a web site or other pulses . Here you will find an atmosphere like school . You can learn and practice the science / guide available in the Member Area .
3-4 days to 5 millionSmooth and fast transaction , see csnya good things . Alhamdulillah with my pulse atmpulsa booming business . A month late can 50jt nice work to support the family at home . Selling added zest . Find downline also follow the spirit . There is a problem live chat . Beres deh . Anyway I did not join atmpulsa loss . Atmpulsa go forward .Uzhank_cell - Banjarmasin
This is a business that will never die . While other businesses in crisis , business credit even more exist . As long as obat pembesar penis  people still berhalo - halo , then as long as they need it anyway PULSE . Almost everyone has a mobile phone , even more than one . HP is no longer a luxury , but has become a necessity . Let you see rickshaw drivers, laborers, labor , transportation drivers , fishermen , students , employees , businessmen , officials , etc. , are used to hold the phone . Even elementary school children have already had HP . That means a potential market , reaching all levels of society . Not only on class or social strata only.
This is a real business opportunity . There are no products and no direct benefit that you can enjoy . Business is not MLM , money game , hype , scams , get rich quick program , chain or similar gathering . This business can immediately feel the benefits . Once you register , then at that moment you will receive an initial deposit 75rb . Itself can be directly used or sold to anyone else . And the cell phone number you have officially become MASTER Dealer pulses in ATMpulsa server .
There is no target , time frame and selling expenses that you must endure as a business partner ATMpulsa . Your results are directly proportional to how vigorously you run a business this pulse . If you are active then it will get faster results and greater . But if you are human mediocrity , at least you have obtained pulse rates for personal use at a cheaper price . No need to search the contents of the counter pulses only for HP itself . Live life you have deposit anytime and anywhere 24 hours nonstop . Fill your pulse independently.
Pulse to run a business is not required huge capital . No need to rent a kiosk, shop or outlet if you are not able to . Just do it as a sideline business in your spare time pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar or as a complement to your other business . Small capital with a return rate of capital very quickly . You 'll never lose if you do business with ATMpulsa pulses .BUSINESS PULSE is an online business opportunity that is highly recommended for beginners . But the most minimal risk
You are the beginner in online business or you are the one who are looking for an online business opportunity on the internet , this is the offer that you should consider . pulau pari Do not waste your money on a business that is not clear . Instead you join an affiliate or reseller selling ebooks , software or even worse business involved subterfuge pull tricks such as ATM balance and social gathering chain pyramid schemes , business credit better go alone . Joint so you instantly feel the benefits .
To succeed in business credit does not require special skills or fancy titles . Capital is only HP . Hopefully internet access , plus steady . Get hold of your intentions , then get action with the guide here . Do not be surprised if the next months income enter your bank account every minute . This is the same method that I have done electrical pulses to build a business and earn income SUCCESS billions of dollars . pulau pari So you only have to duplicate the ropes course .
I am a housewife who has a sideline selling pulses . As soon as I read the advertisement in facebook about ATMPulsa I immediately signed up with capital 175 013 . It is remarkable in 3 days I already deposit 1 jtan without leaving home . And more encouraging , that I had an active website . Thanks ATMPulsa Hopefully my dealer multiply. amenEndang Rahayu - Tangeranghttp://dbc-network.com-
From year to year , the owner of the phone continued pasang iklan online to increase while the prices down even more hp alone . The credit business could be your sideline business . Or it could be your family's economic mainstay . Maybe even someday you 'll quit your job , then switch entirely to business credit . This business can be VERY SECRET promise if you know her . Little capital risk is small. But the results are plentiful . For the initial stages at least able to meet the needs of its own pulse . For personal use , family , relatives or friends . Because without the joint was actually you still need a pulse . The advantage : You do not have to bother looking for pulse counter , as well as to the pulse distributor price is much cheaper .
This is a business opportunity that actually REAL . Business pulse . REAL business . Existing products and can immediately use. Can be used by obat telat bulan  anyone , anytime . Every time every time . Stay through hp -massage to massage you . Business pulse is recommended for beginners online business . If the hard sell live life alone . Beres . Items will not be stale or expired . Toll guaranteed cheaper, you are more frugal, simple and profit doubled .
Success can be started from the wanna try
Hebatt ...! Initially I was just trial and error .. I do not think if it becomes a master / dealer electrical pulses is not difficult . My first main business is selling with a voucher , and then began to electrical pulses and the time it was my dream to become a Dealer Pulsa Elektrik and in the minds sy besarrr a dealer must be capitalized , even took hundreds of millions ... Almost undo sy sy intention to become a dealer and just being plain dealer .
Fortunately ... I find that giving sy obat aborsi ATMpulsa.com answers and concrete way that is easy to run , anyway ... Cheap ! Now I 've become a master dealer in the business of electrical pulses and within 3 days sy thank God 've managed to recruit some people to become dealers as well , how much fun can help others to success as well ... Relax, the gini SURE ALL people need a pulse , right? Therefore only offer ease of buying and selling within the pulse with this ATMpulsa , less expensive , and highly Mobile .. !
I believe the future ATMpulsa can continue to grow and provide various facilities to its members , especially facilities free for personal WEBSITE Because each member is crucial for media promotion .. ! Successful greeting ... ^ _ ^ " Believe me , the right time is Now ... ! "
Dr.Angling Yunanto - East Jakartahttp://dr-aysay.blogspot.com-

Business ATMpulsa a fun , relaxed and produce ^ ^
With BISMILLAH lafas I ventured to apply this ATMpulsa business ... apa2 was not know , just iseng2 truz list .. hmmmm turns real go ga sampe half hour tu dah report into my HP master , truz I 've become a member ... I instantly activated web ... truz my initial deposit directly in momentum transfer to master my HP ... nah within 2 days I deposit 500k dollars .. was scared too .. fear a lie .. fear nyampe ga .. Dech afraid ... BISMILLAH but back again ... I kirin via bank BCA , ATMpulsa confirmation to the center ... jebreeettt ga until 5 minutes nyampe Dech credit deposit my 500k to HP master aq ...
Alhamdulillah ... merchandise can be continued ... well now the new 5-day follow-up members , there ech ech ech 2 my friends who are interested .. mudah2an all his success .. Amiiiiiiiiiiiiinnn .... nah let's make another ikuuuuuttt game ^ _ ^Sabrina - Bandar Lampunghttp://schatzi-cellatmpulsa.blogspot.comJOIN NOW ...Follow the trail of the MASTER ATMpulsa who have successful in getting hundreds of millions of rupiah per month .
Through this page , I want to demonstrate to you , how to scout and manage business credit is mediocre business into an AMAZING pulse . Whoever you are and whatever your background , I can GUARANTEE SUCCESS in business pasang iklan massal  credit in ways ATMpulsa . Step by step you can learn at his pace MemberArea .
Together ATMpulsa you will find :A Business Opportunity with a capital Toll SPECTACULAR super maxi mini but resultsNo need to leave the house , wife and kidsCan be done part-time just a few hours each dayGenerate abundant income to meet your family's needsBusiness can run automatically 24 hours nonstop
By joining ATMpulsa you will have many advantages . Save for personal use as pulse rates offered cheaper than the market price . You will get more profit if managed to alat bantu sex invite friends , relatives , family or anyone to join via your url . Plus you will earn a commission on the sale of passive income on the pulse of your network . Actually a very profitable business opportunity , BUSINESS PULSE online as a master dealer pulses .Here's A SIMPLE SECRETCan be run by anyone to succeed in BUSINESS PULSE
I 've been signed up as the first pulse from another seller . I compare the reload speed . Very, very fast , even when I'm wrong tell ( thankfully to a number that does not exist ) reversalnya fast. Usually I have to wait elsewhere 1x24 and even frequent passing of a day . Nice service ... successful here ya ...Agus riyanto - Jakarta
It must be recognized that the speed of transactions in atmpulsa worth in acungi thumb , both balance and transaction confirmation to the customer hp I can see obat telat bulan  from a new trade I did . Although I just joined I can quickly feel the difference because before I bergbung with atmpulsa I 've got pengalamn know about this business . Pengalman share a little , I 've done the transaction to the customer hp ( before joining atmpulsa ) long entry so that customers complain ! pulsanya why not go when it was sent to the center and that most makes me upset is the transaction does not go well within 12 hours although I 've complain to the center / customer service . But no response ! I prefer the speed of the transaction so that customers feel satisfied so long and no word has membuktkan my own that was top speed in atmpulsa ! ! This was one of my experiences . That's all the experience I have in this business .... So first n greet success ! ! !Kirno Budiyanto - BatamWhy should ATMpulsa and not the other pulse sites ?
Because here I will alat bantu sex dismantle all-out all the secrets of how to QUICK SUCCESS in business credit . Perhaps in other places you will not find it on this one . How do I juggle money less than 500K to billions of dollars in business credit . How do I perform the metamorphosis of the former is an agent toll-like you become the owner of the agency. Until now has more than 10,000 agents across Indonesia . In a way that can be done by anyone and does not need to go anywhere .
You do not need to be proficient in internet marketing . You do not need to master a programming language that is quite difficult . And you do not need a lot of capital to try everything . Everything is presented in full in the Member Area . HOW you just follow me . Once again I say HOW it very, very easy . Can be done by anyone . Anyway long as there is the will .
HOW what so I can do it all with great ease ? And pulau tidung how to get started? The answer is very simple : " Just 2 EASY STEPS " . Both of these steps you can get and learn if joint in atmpulsa today . The following outline HOW should you live :
Once you follow all my WAY , you will instantly have the automatic money machine OWN your own . You DO NOT NEED to make the product . Because it had been prepared by ATMpulsa . PULSE products are definitely needed people . Can be sold or used alone in the same thankfully . Pulse rates are much cheaper .
Also you 'll know how to easily create a website as well publish it less than 24 hours straight line alat bantu sex  ( with a record of domain names and hosting already prepared ) . You can create a source of income as fast as you want . Income will increase exponentially without you guessing . I 've proved it ...MANY JOINT advantage with ATMpulsa
This is a BUSINESS PULSE offers a very SPECTACULAR from a site PULSE ! ! ! There are real products | Can be directly used | price cheaper pulses | Can bountiful bonus | Can has its own pulse site | Jump so MASTER plus ADMIN | Free specify the registration fee downline | reseller program WAH ( Can be up to 75 % commission )So what WILL AGAIN ... Soon JOINT Now ! ! !
Joint ATMpulsa and enjoy many benefits . Save for personal use as pulse prices cheaper than the market price . You will get more profit if managed to invite friends , relatives , family or anyone to join this site via your url . Plus you will earn a commission on the sale of a variety of pulses in your network . Actually a very profitable business opportunity , BUSINESS PULSE online .
SO ... BUSINESS PULSE if you want to do half-hearted . Be MASTER DEALER ADMIN PULSE well in online business credit . ATMpulsa offer AMAZING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY and provide many benefits to you . JITU ATMpulsa a formula to help you succeed in BUSINESS PULSE . ATMpulsa gives a very broad opportunity for you to earn more money with less effort .
ATMpulsa apply reseller system so alat bantu sex that you can make MONEY shortly after joining . ATMpulsa reseller program will be fantastic to give the commission to 75 % or the equivalent of 75,000 dollars to you if successful joint invite others via your url .
ATMpulsa supported by a reliable support team and customer service is ready to help all the complaints and needs. Online every day starting at 06:00 to 22:00 pm . Ready to help you to SUCCESS . What do you desire in a business electrical pulses here .MASTER pulse dealer so interested ?It is Now . Business credit can be done both online and offline .Profit doubled and over and over ...IMMEDIATELY FOLLOW THE STEPS THEY HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL IN BUSINESS PULSE . WANT ONLINE BUSINESS PULSE ? pulau tidung ANYWHERE DO ENOUGH ALONE HERE . SURE PROFIT
If you REALLY want to change YOUR FINANCIAL condition right now ...Then IMMEDIATELY TAKE ACTION . Do SOMETHING . What are you reading this can make you SHOCKED joy as I experienced myself . This is the most simple HOW to achieve your financial freedom ! "
Hope you remember , join or not you still need a pulse is not ... ? So , instead you have to buy credit for business communication business credit better go . Can browse anytime and can be sold to someone else . Clear and you also will have a new business can be run offline as well as online . Participate in online business credit ATMpulsa sure profit ...JOINT Today and get all these BENEFITS :Direct I registered as a dealer MASTER pulse . alat bantu sex  Could recruit dealers , sub - dealers , agents , sub - agents and so on without limit levelWeb Replication II Getting together like this web with your id .Can III reseller commissions minimal 75.000/leads even greaterIV could have their own websites to increase income more DAHSYATTTV Can be an added bonus in the form of online business tools to facilitate the workBecome VI admins and site owners own pulseVII Can be directly produced by INSTANT INCOME todayCommission VIII for outstanding addition in the form of fresh money transferred directly into your bank accountIXAssistance and guidance to make and has its own website which includes : providing a ready-made script interactive web pulses , hosting guide , manual data upload and promotion guide . And much more toko online murah .

Post By : Jasa Seo Murah dan Jasa Desain website Murah

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Pengertian dan Sejarah Multi Level Marketing


peluang usaha online Investment MLM Website CMS is an MLM website that comes complete with a variety of features to boost the performance of your network business , including registration of automation , real-time information , which is any time you can see the development of the member under your covers commission today , the number of active members both active mapun yet , making it easier for you to take business decisions . This wesbite using MLM system with pulau tidung a system of " Activation Sequence " . And differences with other investment script is complete modules and features of the MLM own website .Etymology is Multi Level Marketing ( MLM ) is derived from English , Multi means many , while Level means level or levels . The marketing means marketing .

So of the word can be pulau tidung understood that MLM is a tiered marketing banyak.1 Referred to as multi -level because it is an organization of distributors who carry out the sale of a tiered or terraced lot .
MLM can be also referred to as network marketing . So called because many members of these groups to form a network ( network) is a system that uses network marketing to alat bantu sex form a set of many people who workdo marketing .
Sometimes there is also a mention of MLM as direct selling or direct selling . This opinion is based on the implementation of MLM sales that are made ​​directly by the salesperson to consumers . Not through intermediaries or through the grocery store anymore , shops and stalls but directto the buyer . Indonesia's current direct sales or direct selling both single-level and multi -level join an association that pulau tidung Indonesian Direct Selling Association ( DSA ) . This organization is a member of the Chamber of Commerce , part of the World Federation Direct selling Association ( WFDSA ) .
There are differences and similarities between direct selling and MLM ranging from the use of language to the substance of the system . The term direct selling than it first appears MLM . This term refers to the activity of sale of goods or products directly to consumers , where sales activity is conducted by a seller (direct seller) , accompanied by clarity , presentation and product demos . Its essence is the independent salespeople who sell products or bisnis online goods from a particular manufacturer to the consumer .
In the history of this industry , direct selling first appeared with the operation of the California Perfume Company in New York which was founded in 1886 by Dave Mc Connel . Mc Connel is what has hired Mrs. idea . Albee as first lady California Perfume by sellingdirectly to consumers from house to house . The company later changed its name to Avon in 1939 , while Mrs.Albee itself is alat bantu sex considered a pioneer of direct selling sales method .
In subsequent developments , emerging companies Nutrilite in 1934 in California with a new sales method which gives an additional commission on successful independent distributors to recruit , train and assist new members to participate in selling products . This new method allows a distributor to keep recruiting new members to the depth and breadth of which is not limited .
Next 1956 stood at 1959 Shaklee and Amway stands with the same sales methods obat aborsi  over time the sales method known as Multi Level Marketing ( MLM ) .Often the words or sentences above you find when you want to start a business on the internet ? Very much ( in fact almost all include sentences that contain the above sense ) .
But is it true ? I say here pasang iklan baris gratis tanpa daftar if 99% of them lie ! ! ! ! . Why do I say so ? When you successfully register in situs2 online , they do not ( do not ) will give you full access before you upgrade your membership in full . How does " upgraded membership ? " . The other is not and is not to pay money to the account manager .
Once you pay some money and your membership is activated , what do you get?
1 . You were told to look for referrals (if you can not find your downline means finished! ! ! ! ! Because not everyone has the ability to convince org . Anyway it means you just the same as that fool you because you are misleading others)
2 . Told to sell scrip or e -book ? ? ? ( what the hell ! ! ! ! scrip What's that !)
In other words, you obat telat bulan HAVE FOOLED ! ! ! ! ! Why do I say fooled ? Because in the end you are asked also to seek referrals or selling e-book/scrip . If true , it means you end up like me ! ! ! ! ! ! There have been many online businesses that I follow , I require that the edges are looking for referrals . Many businesses OL that ultimately I want other people to plunge .

Remember the saying that " if you want RICH , HAVE TO WORK HARD " . But there are still honest bisnisman2 internet . Are not promising shit . Because it is they intend to try and make a profit in baik2 ! ! ! ! ( although we can not fully trust ) . They just do not have the funds to realize their dreams . Therefore they are looking for funding via the internet pulau tidung  through penawaran2 investment . Such as capital investment , forex , etc. .
There are several types of investments via online which are found on the internet , among other investments ( characterized by the provision of fixed profit gains that have been determined by the manager ) , gold investment ( investment transaction based on the value of gold instruments ) , forex investments pulau pari  ( investments held for trading in foreign exchange )
After doing some searching a long time , there are several online businesses that I recommend to you . But because they are new to investing , I am not going to publish through this blog because it has not been proven ( I do not want to put my business online that not prove the result ) .
You then ask , " what's the difference with continued situs2 another MLM ? "
Here I explain the difference with MLM site !

In MLM website you have to pay to activate your account . because this is the activation fee which is used to " feed " of your upline . While the average investment online FREE . Fee you pay is the value of the investments you choose .
In MLM website , money you spend CAN NOT DRAWN AGAIN ! ! buat toko online murah because it has been used to support your upline . While online investment funds can be withdrawn after the contract is completed if you do not want to extend investment ( kalopun not full , usually due to administrative closure of account ) .
In MLM website , you should look for downline ! ! ! so you can get rich ( what if you can not find ? kindly you think yourself ) . While on your online investment still get a predetermined profit walo without downline ! . Kalopun downline think you have wrote it in the form of bonuses beyond profit .
Of slightly above explanation if only we pulau pari can know the difference MLM site with online investing . I actually followed a similar investment over the internet , but another time I review because it has not proven their validity . . Please you are reviewing . If in doubt please leave , if you are confident with the system please register .

Learn from Investment Fraud CaseThe last few days in the media - both print and electronic media , are busy talking about the alleged investment fraud by PT Golden Traders Indonesia Syariah ( GTIS ) , with an estimated value of up to Rp600 billion loss clients , but some say up to Rp10 trillion . Whichever is true, it is still no small amount of loss . But this case is the pulau tidung  umpteenth time that happened in this country , the mode is always the same : Fraud guise of investing with the lure of big profits in a short time . Well , actually this case is not directly related to our investment in the stock , of course , but the authors think it is still important to be discussed to provide information to people who may still lay about what the investment . Okay here we go !
GTIS was once a regular gold trading company by the name of PT Golden Traders Indonesia ( GTI ) . In 2011 , the company added the word ' Islamic ' in its name , so changed to PT Golden Traders Indonesia Syariah ( GTIS ) . In this same year , the company ( claimed ) certified ' compliance with Shariah principles ' of the Indonesian Ulema Council ( MUI ) . Armed with the claim that its ' halal obat pembesar penis and Islamic ' , GTIS then sell investment products through a variety of media , primarily through referral system that every customer will be asked to look for another customer ( less like system aka MLM Multilevel Marketing ) . In a short period of only 2 years , the company is growing very rapidly and successfully established thirteen offices in several major cities in Indonesia , especially Jakarta . In each promotion , GTIS has a very interesting tagline : ' It's been not the time to rely only gold investment price fluctuations . Enjoy the certainty of a gain of 2 % per month just in the Golden Traders Indonesia ' .
Certainty advantage ? Are you out of mind ? Since when there is an investment that can guarantee that the investment risk is definitely profitable without exposing at all obat pembesar penis  ?
Back to GTIS . GTIS offers investment products in the form of the purchase of gold , either physically or just a certificate , with the offer of a gain of 2 - 4.5 % per month , payable in cash . So if you buy products worth 100 million investment , for example , each month you will receive a flower , or a bonus , or whatever it's called , amounting to Rp2 - 4.5 million , is transferred directly into your bank account . This investment product with guaranteed buy back guarantee agreement , whereby the GTIS will buy back the gold held by the customer at a price equal to the purchase price . So , let's say you buy gold from GTIS worth Rp100 million . So in a year , you will earn a minimum interest Rp2 million x 12 months = Rp24 million , alat bantu sex and thereafter you can sell gold that you hold to GTIS , to obtain your capital back which was Rp 100 million . Well , get a profit of at least 24 % , and without the risk anyway , because you hold the gold that is guaranteed to be bought back by the GTIS . So the ' investment ' is less interesting what else to try?
However there are some interesting things about ' investment products ' offered GTIS this :
Single . Customers should buy gold GTIS sold at a price higher than the market price of gold , with the difference in price of about 20-30 % . It means that if the price of gold in the market is Rp500 , 000 per gram , the customer must pay Rp600 - 650,000 for every gram of gold they earn . There is no description of the GTIS about why they are selling the gold price higher . Usually they ( through his agent ) just said that despite the price they sell gold higher , iklan massal  but customers need not worry , because later anyway GTIS will buy back the gold at the same price , even if the market price of gold had fallen . In addition the agent is usually added that gold prices will continue to rise , so that the client can not lose ( so once again , zero- risk investment ! )
Two . There is no description of where the GTIS obtain funds to pay interest to its customers . Based on information compiled Kontan.co.id , GTIS admitted that they buy gold cheaply from UBS ( Shared Prosperity Lucky ) and sell them at high prices in Singapore . Profit from the price difference was then used to pay interest to its customers . But no further details about who was UBS , and in Singapore where they sell gold next .
Three . Customers can only purchase products through agents . This agent is usually a GTIS customers as well, and he obtained a commission for every new customer that she was carrying . As a result if you join for a customer , then you will become an agent at the same time , and you can get the additional benefit of the commission . But if you do not obtain the customer , then it does not matter .
Well , of the three points above pasang iklan online  , what can you conclude ? That's right . GTIS is running a Ponzi scheme ( Ponzi Scheme ) . Ponzi scheme is a phony investment system in which investment companies pay profits / interest to investors from money the investors themselves , or from subsequent investors' money . Said to be false , because the funds raised from investors has been used to finance a certain business to turn a profit . Typically these investments offer a tremendous advantage in a short time with a very low risk , or even zero risk . Typically also , the investor or the customer will receive interest payments on a regular basis for some time , so he then feels there is no problem at all , or even add back its investment . But after he deposit all the funds he had, and also has brought a lot of new customers , the problem then arises , ranging from the breakdown of the payment of interest , to capital that it can not be withdrawn alat bantu sex .

Post By : Jasa SEO Murah dan Jasa Desain Website Murah

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