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Yes, now looking for ants in nature has become more difficult

"Yes, now looking for ants in nature has become more difficult. So now I try to take advantage of opportunities and to maintain it to remain there and not be extinct in the wild," he said, Wednesday (05/15/2013).
Investasi Every 20 days, he said, rang-rang ants will lay eggs and these eggs are sold by Makdum at a price of Rp120 thousand per kilogram (kg).
Of the two locations where maintenance of existing ants in the room and the trees, Makdum was able to harvest the eggs of ants or Kroto up to 40 kilo grams of each month.
Obtained turnover could reach more than Rp 4 million per month. Until now, he is still overwhelmed to meet market demand.
Well, for those of you who have a hobby of breeding and business life, farming ants maybe you could try.

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Business turnover convection can produce tens of millions

Achieved a turnover of 5 million / month of flannel fabric creations

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Raising prawns currently have the prospect

Raising prawns currently have the prospect of lucrative opportunities to develop2 . To meet local needs , especially in Yogyakarta Special Region still lacks in terms of quantity , size and continuity of effort .3 . Export demand has not been able to meet, since the Agen Casino Onlineavailability of prawns obtained from nature have been few and the results are still very limited cultivation .4 . Prawn farming techniques , simple and easily implemented by the wider community , both pond yard , or in the rice field ponds .5 . Margin advantage cultured prawns still tolerable when compared to the profits from the cultivation of other freshwater fish such as catfish , carp , tilapia , carp , and Tawes .6 . Potential natural resource and the availability of land for development in the country of Indonesia stretches very wide3 . PROBLEMS IN THE GENERAL COMMUNITY FISH FARMER
1 .Mastery and application technology of fish farming communities still weak2 . Innovation or technology transfer process is slow3 . Limited skilled human resources4 . Availability of seed / fish consumption in a region in general is still a lot to come from outside the area , consequently the cost of transport and mortality during transport add to the cost of production5 . Feed mill price in the market are relatively expensive and do not tend to rise up by the farmers' income ( + 60 % production cost is the purchase of feed )6 . Aquaculture management by farmers are still largely traditional and sideline7 . Marketing production still often have trouble because in general the market has not yet formed a clear network8 . Development of freshwater aquaculture farming in general has not been concentrated , resulting in some difficulty : the transfer of technology , post-harvest handling , and marketing4 . The V I S I

Agen Judi Bola  Popularizing cultivation of prawns for the economic empowerment of the people through optimizing the use of land ( paddy fields , marginal land or yard ) .5 . PURPOSE

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The location for the cultivation of maize should not be under water

The location for the cultivation of maize should not be under water , but has sufficient moisture content . In addition , the selection of sites for corn , should be in accordance with the terms grow maize, or corn required by the plants . Terms grew described as folloJual Website Murahws .
1 . Composition or soil propertiesVirtually all types of soil can be covered with corn , but the most desired properties of soil by corn plants drainage is smooth , lush with sufficient humus and fertilizer supplies to grow .
2 . ClimateClimate or average weather of a region have participated in determining the growth and production of a crop . Climate does not support , for example a lot of rain and wind storms grab even flooding, will affect growth , including the corn crop .Although the corn crop is suitable in cool climates and cold , but if too much rain will also reduce the quality of the corn .
Corn plant can produce well and qualified in the cool climates of 50 degrees N to 40 degrees LS with altitude up to 3000 meters above sea level . However , for certain types of corn , can also be in different places of the condition and can produce well .
3 . Degrees soil acidity ( pH )The degree of acidity of the soil is influenced by the amount of content of chemical elements in the soil and the water content in the soil . The area is likely to get wet and will cause a lot of humus soil tends to be acidic .
Instead of dry calcareous soil with little water content would be more alkaline. For real corn crop tolerance or ability to adapt to the environment quite well , namely the ability to live up to the acidity of between 5.5 and 7 .There acidity scale 14 scale , to the scale of 1 to 7 is acidic , whereas between 8 to 14 is alkaline .
4 . Levels of water

Wisata Pulau PariThe amount of water present in the soil will determine soil moisture content . Corn plants need water , especially for the growth and propagation . So much corn planting was initiated during the rainy season began to arrive . In addition to saving energy also adds to water cool / add moisture to the air . So the plants are not short of water , because it can interfere with the process of photosynthesis or food preparation is done for the activity and production of the corn crop .

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The first thing to be done in this worm

The first thing to be done in this worm farming worm seed and media that will be used for worms . Media can be used for worm grajen mushroom waste or waste from mushroom cultivation . Birthday clarify , former grajen this mushroom can be mixed with kletong Jadwal bola ( cow dung ) dried or semi- dried , and ground.

" If the media is ready, the media can be directly leveled at the pool . To measure the pool could use a 1 x 4 meters with 60 cm high . Policy can pool lined with bricks laid out in such a way .

Given the worm is an animal with a natural habitat in the soil, so do not forget to mix the soil in the cultivation media worm . Good soil for worms media mix is the land taken in the river . After the media finished , completed indukan worm spread evenly .

The worm is an animal that loves moist places and easy stress if exposed to sunlight. Therefore , it is important to check the moisture of the media every day . Earned media do not get too wet and too dry . If dry , the media can of worms sprayed water everywhere and not excessive . For your own pool should use iyup - iyup ( roof ) so that the light does not
Berita Bola  get into the pool , Birthday greetings are currently already has 20 ponds and plan to add an lagi.BETERNAK / WORM SOIL CULTIVATION - Aquaculture farmers . Animals are just as disgusting snail for some people , but for some people menadi Bekah . Now this animal farming has begun to develop. Will be served following article about BETERNAK / WORM SOIL CULTIVATION , safely follow ...

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