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In addition, trees that will not be treated

In addition, trees that will not be treated with either high, while the fruit in one tree can reach 5 to 7 pounds in one harvest per quarter.

Father of five children cultivate guava honey wisata pulau pari water in an area of ​​1,600 square meters with the total number of trees planted from 200 stem cuttings and slips. "Age 6 months of planting, water the honey cashew seedlings coming from slips or cuttings using tabulapot media began to bear fruit with the number of pieces each 2 to 3 kg per tree," he said.

New, at the age of 9 months and beyond planting fruit produced increased to 7 kg per tree. The green guava nectar has a flavor that is fresh and very sweet when eaten, so it has a special attraction for those who never tried it.
In addition to the taste and benefits of this water guava, a high demand is one reason for the increasing number of guava is cultivated.

Currently Sumarwan said, the price of water guava honey in the market to reach Rp 25 thousand. Of the 200 trees planted could earn Rp 30 million each harvest. While this green guava honey can be harvested four times a year.

While the operating costs for the purchase of seeds, potting soil and compost, fertilizer and pesticides needed funds in the first year of Rp 31 million. "The second harvest at the age of 9 months of planting the capital already behind," he said.

It is said Sumarwan, green honey cashew
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Want planted vegetables in pots or polybags?

Want planted vegetables in pots or polybags? media manufacturing plant is an important factor that should be known. There are several ways to make a polybag planting media.

Media planting organic vegetables in a polybag

Planting media is one very important factor that determines the bercocok planting activities. Planting media will determine the merits of the plant growth, which in turn affects the production yield. Planting media types are numerous and varied. Especially with the development of various methods bercocok crops, such as hydroponics and aeroponics.

Each type of plant requires nature and characteristics of the different planting media. For example, fruit crops require different planting media characters with vegetables. Fruit crops require a solid planting media that can sustain plant growth is
Taruhan Bola  relatively larger, while the type of leaf vegetable crops which need more media hype and easily penetrated the roots.

Kala Home Page Narrow Disulap Be Raising Vegetables and Fish Farms
April 5, 2014 Andi Fachrizal, Pontianak
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Alexander Mering sometimes harvest spinach in his aquaponic garden. Photo: Andi Fachrizal

Alexander Mering sometimes harvest spinach in his aquaponic garden. Photo: Andi Fachrizal

Gradually narrow the home page does not make Asriyadi Alexander Mering, chief of staff of the Upper Cape, Eastern District of Pontianak, Pontianak, this abortive bercocok plant. "No need to dream of producing something meaningful for the family." So says the man who was active in this journalistic world.

How does it work? Mering make aquaponic gardening in the yard of narrow. As a result, your home environment cool, and green. Keluargapn food needs are met even produce. "Managing the kitchen, attains security. Vegetables we consume even all organic. How to eat catfish or indigo, we are cultured, "he said on Tuesday (01.04.14).

Mering juggle the front and side of the house
Judi Online into a small scale aquaponic gardening. At the bottom, there is a fish pond from concrete. The top four inches multilevel paralon measure as a means of growing a variety of vegetables.

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