At the time of the search engines visiting your blog , and check out all the content and structure of your blog , that's when . Bot they will check the title , description , tags , whether it is in accordance with the rules of good or not . Also will check if all the settings are in accordance with the content on your blog or not .
To that end , then put title tags , meta description tags , and heading tags are appropriate and properly should be kept. For existing heading tag , will inform both the important things that exist on every page of your blog . Therefore, try to learn to better understand how to properly perform on page optimization .
Learn how the placement of the structure so that your blog does not get into trouble when a search engine bot checking your blog . Below I made a little example of how to use title tags and meta tags .
This is for the Title tag investasi hemat :
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "Disini For Url Homepage Anda"'><title> Your Blog Title Here < / title ><meta content='Deskripsi Blog Maximum 25 Kata' name='description'/>< / b : if>
And this code for any new articles that you created :
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "Disini For Url Anda"'> articleArticle Title <title> Here you maximum 60 characters < / Title><meta content='Disini For Your Article Description Maximum 25 Kata' name='description'/>< / b : if>
So that would be like the example below:
<head>/ * Here code Homepage To page * /<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "http://contohblog.blogspot.com/"'><title> Online Business The Easy Way < / Title>< meta content = ' Nowadays a lot of web that offer services for online business , but not necessarily all of them can be relied upon . With increasing competition , then there are a few tips in the online business that you have to understand it properly . ' Name = ' description ' / >< / b : if>/ * Here code for your new article * blog joko /<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "http://contohblog.blogspot.com/bisnis-online-terpercaya.html"'>Best Online Business Pulse <title> < / Title><meta content='Bisnis Banyak, The Pulse Online Now you Harusa Very Careful Choosing Business Partners Business Pulse Anda, Follow The Best Way In Blog Ini' name='description'/>< / b : if>............................................< / Head >
For the red writing simply replaced and adjust to your blog , either for title or to description. That's my short tips tonight, especially for novice bloggers , hopefully can complement the knowledge about seo tips . Hopefully can help and there manfatnya IBCBET Casino Poker Tangkas Online
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